Author: TheCoopz

Fighting for Fishing Rights and Tribal Sovereignty: Pacific Northwest Advocacy Efforts

Fighting for Fishing Rights and Tribal Sovereignty: Pacific Northwest Advocacy Efforts

In the mid-20th century, Washington State imposed regulations on fishing that severely restricted the rights and practices of Indigenous peoples. Indigenous communities in the region had long relied on fishing for their livelihoods, culture, and subsistence. Yet, these new regulations were inconsistent with their treaty rights, prompting a series of protests by tribes, such as…

Tracing the Shadows of Assimilation | The History of Native American Boarding Schools

Tracing the Shadows of Assimilation | The History of Native American Boarding Schools

In the twilight of the 19th century, an insidious wind blew across the American landscape, one that sought to silence the rich tapestry of Native American culture and replace it with the monochromatic threads of Western civilization. This was the era of the Native American boarding school, a time and policy rooted deeply in a…

Native American Activism: Perspectives on Sovereignty and Civil Rights Struggles

Native American Activism: Perspectives on Sovereignty and Civil Rights Struggles

The history of Native American tribes in the United States is marred by policies aimed at their marginalization and oppression. Removal policies of the 19th century, such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830, led to the forced displacement of tribes from their ancestral lands. The infamous Trail of Tears symbolizes this era, with thousands…

Indigenous Continent | Book Review

Indigenous Continent | Book Review

Taking a step back in time to understand the sheer magnitude of historical events can be an enlightening experience. “Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America” provides a broad yet intricate look at the complex tapestry of North America’s past, focusing on the perspective and the indomitable spirit of its original inhabitants. The author,…

Rez Life | Book Review

Rez Life | Book Review

Venturing into the heart of Native American experiences, “Rez Life” emerges as a poignant narrative, inviting readers to understand reservation life beyond mere statistics and news headlines. Authored by David Treuer, Ojibwe from the Leech Lake Reservation in northern Minnesota, this work melds history and memoir to offer a window into the struggles and triumphs…