Year: 2022

Looking Back: Little Big Horn Dooms Custer

Looking Back: Little Big Horn Dooms Custer

From 1854 to 1890, the Northern Plains Indians fought with the US government in what was called the Sioux Wars. The American Indians were being forced into smaller and smaller reservations, out of the lands they once roamed freely. While many acquiesced and retreated to the reservations, a number of American Indians resisted, fighting the…

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day: Tribes Will Participate

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day: Tribes Will Participate

Law Enforcement administration officials for a number of Indian reservations have signed on to support National Drug Take-Back Day this Saturday, October 22. The Drug Enforcement Agency has been encouraging participation in the annual event for years in order to recover prescription drugs from medicine cabinets. The Office of Justice Services in the Bureau of…