Native American History

Indian Reservations: A Look Back at the Relocation of Native Americans

Indian Reservations: A Look Back at the Relocation of Native Americans

In the early 19th century, a dark chapter unfolded in America’s history – the forced relocation of Native American tribes living east of the Mississippi River to lands westward. This massive displacement, justified by ideals of progress and civilization, would come to be known as Indian Removal. For the native peoples torn from their ancestral…

Looking Back: Little Big Horn Dooms Custer

Looking Back: Little Big Horn Dooms Custer

From 1854 to 1890, the Northern Plains Indians fought with the US government in what was called the Sioux Wars. The American Indians were being forced into smaller and smaller reservations, out of the lands they once roamed freely. While many acquiesced and retreated to the reservations, a number of American Indians resisted, fighting the…