Massapequa High School Defies State Ban with Native American Mural
Despite a state ban on Native American team names, logos and mascots, Massapequa High School students are painting a mural of a Native American chief next to their school.
The mural, which is still in progress, features the name “Massapequa” and the mascot adorned with a feathered headdress.
The ban has not yet gone into effect; however, districts must pass a resolution by June 30 committing to changing any related names, logos or mascots.
All changes should be completed by the 2024-2025 academic year or face possible penalties from the state.
Massapequa school officials have declared their intentions to challenge the Board of Regents on this decision. Meanwhile, some districts have already begun making physical alterations to their buildings in order to comply with the upcoming ban.
According to the district’s website, for generations, student designs have graced the wall adjacent to Massapequa High School.
The current mural was selected through a voting process and will be painted by students themselves.