Rockwell Mound Park (Havana, IL)

Rockwell Mound has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1987. The mound is located in Rockwell Park, on North Orange Street in the Illinois River city of Havana in Mason County.

rockwell park welcome sign

The Midwest is peppered with sites that have traditional Indian burial mounds. Most are small, and more likely to be visited by locals are relatively local visitors.

One of the things that makes the Rockwell Mound location really neat is that they’ve added a playground at the park for children. It’s not just a solemn landscape.

The grounds themselves are well-kept and there’s a very tasteful monument set in stone at the base of the mound. At the crest of the mound is a open style building.

The community is actively involved at the site, with organized events such as Easter egg hunts. It’s a small but welcoming landmark to Native American culture.

As mounds go, it’s a significant one. It covers approximately 2 acres.

Also worth mentioning is that the Rockwell Mound is only 6 miles from the Dickson Mounds site. This make it convenient for people traveling through Illinois and down into Ohio to visit several locations in one trip.

building at the top of the rockwell mound


Address: W Franklin St, Havana, IL 62644