Potomac Nation

The Potomac tribe is a group of Native Americans who traditionally inhabited the area around the Potomac River in what is now the northeastern United States. The tribe was part of the Algonquian language family, which also includes other tribes such as the Powhatan and the Nanticoke.

In the pre-contact era, the Potomac people were primarily hunters and gatherers, and they lived in small, semi-permanent villages along the river. They were known for their cultivation of maize and other crops, as well as their production of pottery and other crafts.

After contact with European settlers, the Potomac people experienced significant population decline due to disease and warfare. Many were also forced to move westward as a result of pressure from European expansion.

By the late 1700s, the tribe had largely disappeared, with remaining members absorbed into other tribes or assimilated into European-American society.

Today, there are few people who identify as Potomac, and there is no federally recognized Potomac tribe. However, there are some groups who are working to reclaim and preserve Potomac heritage and culture.