Shawnee Nation

The Shawnee Indian tribe is a Native American tribe that has a long and complex history. They were originally located in the Ohio River Valley in present-day Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.

The Shawnee were a Woodland tribe and they were known for their hunting and farming. They were also skilled warriors and played a significant role in the conflicts between European settlers and Native American tribes during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Shawnee were one of the tribes that were most actively involved in the resistance against European colonization of the Ohio River Valley. They joined the allied tribes in several conflicts against the colonists, the most notable of which was the Northwest Indian War (1785-1795) also known as Little Turtle’s War.

In the early 19th century, the Shawnee were forced to cede their lands in Ohio and Indiana to the United States government through a series of treaties. Many Shawnee were forced to move to present-day Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma as a result of these treaties.

During the 19th century, many Shawnee people were forcibly removed to Indian Territory, present-day Oklahoma. They were forced to live on reservations and the government attempts to assimilate them.

Today, the Shawnee tribe is federally recognized, and their descendants continue to live in Oklahoma and other parts of the United States. They continue to maintain their cultural traditions and actively participate in tribal governance and economic development.