Museum of the Plains Indian exterior

Visit Montana’s Countless Native American Experiences

Montana, a cradle of Native American history and culture, offers an array of enriching experiences. Here, you can immerse yourself in tribal histories, traditions, and arts through various museums, cultural centers, and historical sites.

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument is a top choice for history enthusiasts. This monument marks the Battle of the Little Bighorn’s significance in American history. A guided tour allows you to traverse the battlefield and delve into this pivotal event’s story from both Native American and non-Native viewpoints.

In Browning, Montana, stands the Museum of the Plains Indian. It shines a spotlight on the Blackfeet Nation and other Plains Indian tribes’ artistry and legacy. Take in artifacts like traditional clothing and intricate beadwork or engage with interactive exhibits that bring these tribes’ histories and customs to life.

Remember: Each tribal community in Montana tells a unique story. Exploring these diverse narratives helps us understand not only the past but also how it shapes our present.


Museum of the Plains Indian

Located in Browning, Montana, the Museum of the Plains Indian is a tribute to Native American heritage. It reveals the rich history and culture of the Blackfeet people through its captivating exhibits.

The museum’s collection bursts with artifacts from a bygone era. Traditional clothing, intricate beadwork and quillwork are on display, each an exemplar of Blackfeet artistry. Historic photographs and documents add to the wealth of knowledge on offer.

Visitors have the opportunity to dive deep into Blackfeet culture. The museum’s well-curated exhibitions inspire learning, while educational programs provide further insight into this remarkable civilization.

Blackfeet Heritage Center

local art at the blackfeet heritage center
Local Art Adorns the Walls of the Blackfeet Heritage Center

The Blackfeet Heritage Center stands as a vibrant celebration of the Blackfeet Nation’s history and traditions. Visitors find themselves immersed in a rich tapestry of exhibits, showcasing traditional clothing, distinctive art, and evocative musical pieces that define the Blackfeet cultural identity.

The center delves into the tribe’s profound history, unraveling its complex relationship with the United States government. The narrative unfolds through engaging displays that resonate with both history enthusiasts and curious minds alike.

Equally compelling is the center’s focus on interactive experiences. It extends an open invitation to visitors to dive into cultural activities and events, offering a tangible connection to the heart of the Blackfeet Nation.

Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center

In 2022, Yellowstone National Park celebrated its 150th year as the world’s pioneering national park. However, this park holds deeper roots in history as it was once home to several Tribal Nations—roots that continue to thrive through their cultural significance today.

The Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center brings these tribes’ stories to the forefront. Here, Indigenous artists, scholars and presenters from the 27 Tribes associated with Yellowstone National Park welcome visitors for a deep dive into their rich culture and history. Rather than just observing from afar, visitors actively engage in both structured and informal learning experiences.

This center stands as a testament to collaboration. It represents a partnership between the National Park Service and Yellowstone Forever—an alliance forged through extensive consultation with the Tribes themselves.


Holland Lake and Earthquake Lake

Holland Lake and Earthquake Lake, set in the scenic landscapes of Montana, harbor deep-rooted links to Native American history. These bodies of water aren’t just visually appealing but were once crucial hunting and fishing areas for the Salish and Shoshone tribes.

Immersing themselves in nature’s richness, these tribes expertly navigated Holland Lake’s shimmering waters. They cast nets and honed age-old techniques to maintain their way of life. Similarly, the peaceful shores of Earthquake Lake provided bountiful resources that helped the community flourish.

lewis and clark interpretive center

The 25,000 Sq Foot Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center

Nowadays, the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center stands as a tribute to the exploratory journey undertaken by these well-known adventurers. Visitors stepping into this center travel back in time, reliving encounters between Lewis and Clark and Native Americans during their expedition.

The center houses meticulously curated exhibits that illuminate the intricate interactions between these explorers and indigenous tribes. Be it cultural exchanges or learning about survival in harsh environments, visitors can grasp the profound respect that grew during this extraordinary period.

More than just historical artifacts, the center engages visitors with hands-on experiences of Native American traditions. Workshops on traditional arts or storytelling sessions that narrate ancient tales offer guests a deep dive into Native American culture.

So if you find yourself admiring Montana’s awe-inspiring wilderness near Holland or Earthquake Lakes, pause to appreciate their less obvious yet significant role in Native American history.

Remember to visit the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center – it’s an opportunity to experience history from both perspectives: those fearless explorers’ daring travels intertwined with honoring the lasting impact of tribes who claimed these lands home.

Buffalo Jump State Park

Buffalo Jump State Park, nestled in Montana’s heartland, is a National Historic Landmark. Celebrating the rich cultural heritage of A’aninin, Assiniboine, Cree, Kalispel, Piegan, Blackfeet, Salish, and Shoshone tribes, this sacred site showcases ingenious mass hunting techniques passed down generations.

Select Your Adventure at Buffalo Jump

This historical site is a bridge between humans and nature that has survived thousands of years. Visitors step back in time to an era when bison herds roamed vast landscapes. The park’s plains are a stark reminder of the harmony Indigenous peoples shared with nature.

Visitors can almost see the careful planning necessary for a successful buffalo jump. Tribes expertly herded bison towards steep cliffs or slopes for their downfall—an efficient method for harvesting meat and other valuable resources.

Buffalo jumps were more than survival tools; they symbolized community cooperation and spiritual respect for the buffalo. Tribal gatherings during hunts celebrated shared heritage and offered thanks for nature’s gifts.

Today, Buffalo Jump State Park educates visitors about this remarkable history through programs and exhibits. They illuminate indigenous knowledge systems behind these practices. Engaging with past stories and artifacts fosters deeper respect for Indigenous Americans’ resilience and wisdom.

Buffalo Jump State Park transcends being merely a tourist destination—it’s a living testament to Native American cultures’ enduring legacy. It reminds us of humanity’s deep connection to nature as we tread in our ancestors’ footsteps. We must honor their traditions, safeguard their heritage, and ensure their stories echo across generations.

The Sleeping Buffalo Trail

The Sleeping Buffalo Trail weaves its way through a captivating landscape, dotted with Native American landmarks. It’s not just a journey, but an invitation to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the region.

One notable point on this trail is the Fort Belknap Buffalo Reserve. Here, in the heart of nature, bison roam free. Visitors stand awestruck as they observe these powerful creatures in their natural environment.

Just along the trail stands the Wahkpa Chu’gn Buffalo Jump. At this spot, a striking 2000-pound bison sculpture looms overhead. This striking artwork pays tribute to the vital role of bison in Native American culture and reminds us of our duty to preserve nature for generations to come.

As you tread further along this path, more treasures await your discovery. Ancient petroglyphs etched onto massive cliffs and sacred burial grounds sheltered by old-growth trees unveil layers of historical importance at every step.

This trail also welcomes you into local communities where you can interact with Native American artisans. These talented individuals reveal their cultural heritage through vibrant beadwork and intricately woven textiles, created using age-old techniques handed down through generations.

A journey along the Sleeping Buffalo Trail isn’t merely sightseeing—it’s an opportunity to connect deeply with nature and history while gaining significant appreciation for Native American culture.

Gravesites at the Little Bighorn Monument

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

The Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument stands as a poignant reminder of the historic Battle of the Little Bighorn, also known as Custer’s Last Stand. This clash between the United States Army and the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes happened in 1876.

The monument itself is an outdoor classroom, brimming with stories of bravery and sacrifice. Its heart resides in the state-of-the-art visitor center. Here, interactive displays, exhibits, and visual aids bring history alive.

A museum within the monument deepens our understanding of this battle. An array of artifacts such as weapons and uniforms tell their own tales. Even personal belongings speak volumes about those who fought, offering glimpses into their lives.

Outdoors, well-tended walking trails guide visitors across the battlefield. Along these paths are interpretive signs that lend context to historically significant locations. They highlight crucial moments from this monumental collision and its implications on American history.

Walking these grounds evokes awe for those who battled here centuries ago. The expansive battlefield echoes human striving met with gritty resolve; shattered dreams and stark realities; life-altering moments frozen in time.

Today’s visit to Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument isn’t mere historical observation—it’s engagement with history itself.

Reflecting upon sacrifices made and lessons learned inspires a deeper appreciation for this turning point in our nation’s past. It serves as a sanctuary for remembrance, inspiration, and commitment to preserving histories that shaped us all.

Fort Laramie National Historic Site

fort laramie historic site
Tipis sit outside the historic Fort Laramie Grounds

The Fort Laramie National Historic Site offers visitors a deep dive into a pivotal chapter of American history. It was on this ground, in 1851, the United States government and Native American tribes, namely the Sioux, Arapaho, and Cheyenne, put pen to paper. The treaty they inked set tribal territory boundaries and ensured settlers’ safe westward journey.

This site not only preserves history, but also narrates the profound impact this treaty had on these tribes. By stepping foot here, one steps back in time – an immersive experience that brings to life the highs and lows of our collective past.


Flathead Reservation

The Flathead Reservation, nestled in Montana’s scenic west, is a sacred sanctuary for the united tribes of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai. This unity embodies the Salish, Pend d’Oreille, and Kootenai peoples’ resilience – they’ve cohabited this land for generations untold.

The reservation basks in exquisite natural beauty. Lofty mountain peaks kiss clear blue skies. Endless stretches of green forests provide a calm backdrop to crystal lakes that mirror the heavens.

This land also breathes cultural heritage; it echoes with ancient stories passed down through the ages. It’s not just a place of residence – it fuels their traditions and nurtures their community bonds.

Thus, the Flathead Reservation isn’t merely a piece of geography. It stands as an enduring symbol — a testament to these indigenous communities’ undying spirit and profound connection to their ancestors’ lands.

Blackfeet Reservation

Situated in the rugged, mountain-fringed landscapes of western Montana, the Blackfeet Reservation stands as the homeground of the Blackfeet Nation. A significant demographic proportion of the tribe, approximately half of its 15,560 enrolled members, chooses to reside on or within close proximity to these sacred tribal lands.

The reservation isn’t just a geographic location – it’s a rich tapestry woven with history and culture. It embodies their spirit, encapsulates their past and serves as an enduring symbol of their resilience and pride. The echo of ancient traditions reverberates through every corner, every facet of this unique habitation.

A deep connection to land is intrinsic to their identity, which is why nearly 7,000 tribal members choose not just to belong but also live here. This cherished territory forms an indelible part of their narrative – one that continues to unfold with each passing day.

Rocky Boys Reservation

The Rocky Boys Reservation stands as a beacon of history and culture. Situated in Montana’s north-central region, ITserves as home to approximately 2,500 members of the Chippewa (Ojibwe) Cree tribe.

This reservation, cradled amidst vast landscapes, resonates with tales of tribal heritage and community bonds.

Fort Belknap Reservation

Located on Montana’s eastern side, Fort Belknap Reservation is home to two native tribes. About 4,000 members belong to either the Assiniboine, also known as Nakoda, or the Gros Ventre, who call themselves Aaninin – The People of White Clay.

These tribes coexist within the reservation boundaries, each preserving their distinct cultural heritage while sharing the land. Their tribal identity echoes not only in their names but also in their traditions and practices that have been passed down through generations.

The vast plains of Montana cradle this reservation – a testament to enduring histories and vibrant cultures. This diverse community continues to grow and thrive against the backdrop of modern America.

Fort Peck Reservation

Situated on Montana’s eastern edge, the Fort Peck Reservation harbors the Assiniboine and Sioux (Lakota) tribes, home to roughly 6,800 individuals. An additional 3,900 tribal members live beyond its borders.

Northern Cheyenne Reservation

Located in the southeastern corner of Montana, the Northern Cheyenne Reservation is home to roughly 5,000 members of the Northern Cheyenne tribe. This culturally vibrant community also welcomes members from different tribes and non-Native Americans.

Despite its remote location, it buzzes with a rich tapestry of tribal customs and shared histories.

Crow Reservation

The Crow Reservation, a dynamic heartland for the namesake tribe, houses more than 10,000 enrolled members. Most tribe members – approximately 75% – reside on or near this reservation.

For them, the melodic notes of the Crow language aren’t just tradition; they’re everyday conversation. Remarkably, the language maintains its vitality in a modern world, with 85% of these tribal members speaking Crow as their mother tongue.


Crow Fair

crow fair in crow agency montana
Lots of Family Entertainment at the Annual Crow Fair

Every August, the ground vibrates under foot-tapping rhythms in Crow Agency, Montana. As home to the vibrant Crow Fair, it brims with visitors from across the globe. This event showcases the rich culture and heritage of the Crow Nation.

Imagine a sensory feast: traditional dances that move like a colorful wave, music that reverberates in your chest, and distinctive local cuisines that tantalize your palate. It’s no ordinary fair—it’s an immersive cultural experience.

The excitement doesn’t stop there. Hold your breath for heart-stopping rodeos and competitive events, where participants pit their skills against each other.

Take time to meander through stalls showcasing unique handcrafted items by local artisans. Each piece not only serves as a memento but also supports the indigenous community.

Standing Arrow Pow Wow

Another must-see event is the Standing Arrow Pow Wow, held annually in August in Elmo. The pow wow is a celebration of the Salish, Kootenai, and Pend d’Oreille tribes, and it features traditional dances, drumming, and singing. Visitors can also enjoy traditional foods and purchase authentic crafts and artwork from local vendors.

Whether you’re a history buff or just looking for a unique cultural experience, Montana’s annual events and fairs are not to be missed. Plan your visit around these events to get a true taste of Montana’s Native American culture.

Montana, a rich tapestry of Native American history and culture, invites exploration. The Blackfeet, Crow, Salish, and Kootenai tribes have called this land home for millennia.

Imagine immersing yourself in tradition by experiencing a powwow or exploring an array of museums and cultural centers. Each institution breathes life into the past through exhibits showcasing centuries-old artifacts alongside educational programs.

Visiting reservations offers a unique perspective. Here you can partake in guided tours and workshops that weave an intricate tale of tribal daily life or attend vibrant cultural events that dance with authenticity.

If the great outdoors beckons, Montana’s natural beauty stands ready for discovery. Hike to ancient pictographs etched into stone by early inhabitants, cast a line into sacred rivers teeming with fish, or spend an evening under a blanket of stars attending a traditional powwow.

In summary, Montana opens its arms to those curious about Native American culture. It is not just another travel destination; it is a classroom where history meets breathtaking landscapes.

Whether you’re drawn by diversity, history or sheer natural beauty – Montana holds treasures aplenty waiting to be discovered.